Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kathryn, Texan but New Yorker at Heart

How would I describe myself? Deciding on my persona and what aspects of my life are interesting or unique requires a little bit of inner searching. So let’s just start with the basics, my demographics….
I’m a 21 year old girl, Caucasian, from Houston Texas. I don’t really have an income of my own yet because my parents are supporting me through college and I’m hoping they won’t leave me to be completely self-sufficient the second I graduate….
Onto behavioral, I’m a senior marketing major in the business school but I often question why I chose this path. I mean I know it’s a great degree but I am actually really interested in careers pertaining to film acting and the fashion industry. However I wanted to graduate with a stable degree that would ensure a job allowing me to pursue other hobbies on the side. And I guess the reason I chose marketing within the business school is because it’s the most creative and definitely relative to the magazine world as well as many jobs in the fashion industry.
When it comes to school I care about my grades etc. but I don’t usually put in more than what is required. At this point in my life, as a senior, I am ready for the next chapter of my life of having a career etc. (although I know I’ll be missing student life once I’m out).
I am from Texas, and I love home as well as Austin, but I am dying to move to New York City where I’ve lived the past two summers while interning. I feel that New York is the best place to pursue a job within fashion and acting….and I just absolutely love the energy (yikes…I said energy) and the feeling of endless opportunity awaiting around every street corner. Cheesy I know, but I just loveee it. I would also really like to move to Spain for a year after school so that I can become fluent in Spanish (the language I took in high school and a bit in college) as well as so that I can travel before I settle down in a job.
I want to have a job that I love, I want to be able to support myself and not have to rely on anyone else. I can’t sit at a desk all day, I want to be running around meeting with people. I want to have a job that I feel like is having a positive impact on others, and that is “in the know” of what’s going on in the world. I love traveling and it would be wonderful if my job entailed it.
More interests/personality…..Along with traveling, I am really interested in other cultures and want to learn about them and experience them as much as possible. I really enjoy reading and am currently in a Dostoevsky course at UT which might be my favorite course to date. As far as fashion goes, I don’t want to sound like a ditzy girl who “loves fashion and clothes,” but more so that I really do believe in the industry and its artistic nature as well as the incredible impact it has on people of any background.
I am a people person and enjoy hanging out with my friends and am always up for exploring a new restaurant or new indie film. I really enjoy wearing fashionable clothing but do NOT like to shop. I am on a student budget so I love finding great buys as well as activities around Austin that do not require spending.
Well, I feel as though I have rambled sufficiently about myself. But you know what they say, that people love talking about themselves more than anything else.
I think that a marketer could look at rambling like this and definitely develop a persona. From this information one could come up with specific questions to ask that align with the research goal.

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn - Fun to get to know you a bit better with this one. Thank you for sharing. Just still a bit too short. Push yourself to keep writing on the next one.
